Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hebrews 12 assignment

Read Hebrews 12
2) Each person in your group should type a 3 paragraph summary (5-7 sentences each) about this chapter to your blog. What stuck out to you? Which scriptures encouraged you? (give me the reference, ex: Hebrews 12:15) How? Which scripture stuck out to you the most? Why?
3) Post each of your 3 paragraph summaries to your blog

Rebecca- in vs.2 i love this verse because it always reminds me to keep on focusing on God. Vs. 3 stuck out to me because it reminds me of what Jesus has done for me and it makes me love him even more. He endured so much pain and suffering because he loves us and he wants us to never give up. In vs. 6 it says that God disciplines the ones that he loves. It always makes me feel bad when i get punished or in trouble. i always try to remember this verse and it always makes me feel better to know that God still loves me.
In vs. 7 it says to endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. This always makes me feel better. It tells me that I am God's child no matter what. He loves me and that will never change. It says that if we are not disciplined then we are not his children. So i will always remember when i am being corrected that it means that i am God's child.
In vs. 14 it says to make every effort to live in peace with all men. This is a very important verse to remember. Because I need to strive for this. I need to remember this when i am mad at someone. To try not to be mad but act peacefully.

Kayla- Verse 14: "Try to live in peace with everyone, and seek to live a clean and holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord." Since we're girls we deal with jealousy alot. It's so easy for us to talk about someone or stray off. But i feel if we keep this verse in mind then it would be easier for us to stay on track. The verse also says the consequence at the end. If we keep on living a wrong life then we won't be able to see the Lord.

Verse 28: "Since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe." This verse reminds us to stay onn track what God promises us is more than worth anything else in this world.

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