Friday, August 28, 2009

Honoring our President and First Lady(#5)

1.When was our president sworn into office? January 20, 2009.

2. Tell me about our presidents parents and background. With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He was raised with help from his grandfather, who served in Patton's army, and his grandmother, who worked her way up from the secretarial pool to middle management at a bank.

3. Tell me about First Lady Michelle Obama.She is Malia and Sasha's mom.
But before she was a mother — or a wife, lawyer, or public servant — she was Fraser and Marian Robinson's daughter.As First Lady, Michelle Obama looks forward to continuing her work on the issues close to her heart — supporting military families, helping working women balance career and family, and encouraging national service.

4. What are some issues facing our nation right now? (See “issues” on website)Civil Rights- no discrimination; Defense- example:end the war in Iraq; Health Care- The Recovery Act.

5. Click on “The Briefing Room” and “The Blog”. What kind of information is posted here? What interested you? What didn’t? Information about Obama's dog with Senator Kennady. The picture of the dog. " Senate Hoors Sennator Kennedy"

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