Friday, October 16, 2009

Colossians Book Assignment

Read pp. 423-424 in your textbook. Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
a. Why are Bible experts having a tough time figuring out what Colosse's problem is?
The letters form is like listening to one side of a phone conversation, and trying to interpret what's happening on the other end.

b. Who was Epaphras?
A minister who started a church.

c. What's heresy? What kind of heresy is Paul talking about?
Heresy is the rejection of one or more established beliefs of a religious body, or adherence to other beliefs. No one knows, but some guess: Mind-over-matter regolion, Jewish Christianity, or Mix-and-Match religion.

d. What's Paul's "Main Point"?
"Just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him.... Don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense."(Colossians 2:6-8)

e. Where is Colosse?
In Turkey.

Read "For Those Tempted to Demote Jesus" page 425. Answer the following questions and post them to your blog.
a. What does Col 1:15 say?
" Chirst is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation."

b. Why can't Paul visit Colosse?
Because he was in prison.

c. How does Paul begin this letter?
With a greeting that's typical of Greek letters. Then moves into prayer.

d. What does Col. 1:16 say?
The song doesn't have a title. But it has a point: There's nothing superior to Jesus - who is God in the flesh. Jesus created everything, including the spirits in the "unseen world".

e. Who was Jupiter? Mithra? Local spirits? How does this fit into Colossians?
Jupiter- Called Zeus among Greeks, he's was the top Roman god and chief of all the Roman gods.
Mithra- Was worshiped as a good spirit and ruler of the world, Mithra is popular among Roman soldiers and freed slaves.

f. Each person in your group should read Colossians 3, and post a 1-paragraph summary about this book to your blog.

Philippians 3:12-14

Philippians 3:12- I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me."

Not- ou
as though- hoti
I had already- ēdē
attained- lambanō
either- ē
were already- ēdē
perfect- teleioō
but- de
I follow after- diōkō
if- ei kai
that I may apprehend- katalambanō
that for- epi
which- hos
also- kai
I am apprehended- katalambanō
of- hypo
Christ- Christos
Jesus- Iēsous

Philippians 3:13- "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead."

Brethren- adelphos
I- egō
count- logizomai
not- ou
myself- emautou
to have apprehended- katalambanō
but- de
[this] one thing- heis
[I do], forgetting- epilanthanomai
those things- men
which are behind- opisō
and- de
reaching forth unto- epekteinomai
those things which are before- emprosthen

Philippians 3:14- "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

I press- diōkō
toward- kata
the mark- skopos
for- epi
the prize- brabeion
of the high- anō
calling- klēsis
of God- theos
in- en
Christ- Christos
Jesus- Iēsous
Read pp. 423-424 in your textbook. Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
a. Why are Bible experts having a tough time figuring out what Colosse's problem is?
b. Who was Epaphras?
c. What's heresy? What kind of heresy is Paul talking about?
d. What's Paul's "Main Point"?
e. Where is Colosse?

Read "For Those Tempted to Demote Jesus" page 425. Answer the following questions and post them to your blog.
a. What does Col 1:15 say?
b. Why can't Paul visit Colosse?
c. How does Paul begin this letter?
d. What does Col. 1:16 say?
e. Who was Jupiter? Mithra? Local spirits? How does this fit into Colossians?
f. Each person in your group should read Colossians 3, and post a 1-paragraph summary about this book to your blog.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Galatians, Philipians, and Ephesians Test

Who wrote Galatians?
Who was it written to?
To the Church of Galatia
When was it written?
Circa 50 AD
Why does the author write Galatians?
-To clear up confusion about Christianity
Where is Galatia?
Modern Day Turkey

Who wrote Ephesians?
When was it written?
Circa 60 AD.
Who was it written to?
The Church at Ephesus
Where is Ephesus?
Modern day Turkey.
What does he write (2 main points)?
1. Praises them for their solid Christian reputation.
2. Reminds them that Jesus is the source of their salvation.
Who wrote Philippians?
When was it written?
Circa 60 AD.
Who was it written to?
Church at Philippi.
Where is Philippi?What kind of letter is this?
Modern day Greece. A fatherly letter to the church at Philippi.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ephesians and Philippians book assignment

Read pp 408-409. Answer the following questions and post your answers to your blog:
a. What kind of letter is Ephesians? an upbeat, positive letter.
b. What is Paul's "Main Point"?"Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ." Eph. 5:2
c. Who is this letter from?Paul.

Read page 412 "To Do List for the Mature". Answer the following questions and post your answers to your blog:
a. How does Paul say we can gauge the maturity of our faith? "But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me." Phil. 3:12
b. What's on Paul's List for "keeping us on track"? List them out.
Stop telling lies.
Don't let anger control you.
Give generously to others.
Don't use foul or abusive language.
Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, and forgiving.
Stay away from sexual immorality and obscene jokes.
Don't get drunk.
Instead, fill yourself with God's Spirit, and sing his praises.

Read page 415 "Suit Up for Spiritual Battle". Answer the following questions and post your answers to your blog:
a. If Christians aren't fighting against Romans, who are they fighting against?
Ephesians 6:12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

b. What are the pieces of physical armor Paul is talking about and what is its spiritual equal?
Belt- truth
Body armor- God's righteousness
shoes- peace from the good news
shield- faith
helmet- salvation
sword- Word of God.

Read "The Race of Our Lives" on page 421. Write a 1 paragraph summary about this passage and post it to your blog. What stuck out to you? Why is this verse so important to us as believers?

Rebecca- What stuck out to me was that Paul put the message in an illustration so that the people could understand it better. The illustration was a race. And the Greeks hold the Olympic games every four years. The verse is " We do it for an eternal prize." (1 Cor.9:25). This verse is important because we need to obey God's laws with our whole hearts to get to heaven, not just to get things on earth.

Kayla- I think that Paul is trying to say how we should focus on the important things in life. He refered to a runner in a race on the homestretch: " Greek runners in the homestretch of the race will lock their eyes on the goal ahead.